Bibliographies > Ergün Lafli
Bibliography of Ergün Lafli
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Lafli (Ergün)
Maître-Assistant d'Archéologie Classique à
l'Université Dokuz Eylül d'Izmir (Turquie)
- 1. Ergun Lafli, Michel Feugere, Statues et statuettes en bronze de Cilicie avec deux annexes sur une main dolichennienne de Commagène et les figurines en bronze du Musée de Hatay. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1584 (Oxford 2006).
- 2. Ergun Lafli, Ceramiche in Cilicia tra XII e VI secolo a.C., Quaderni friulani di archeologia XI (2001) 155-191.
- 3. Ergun Lafli, Seleuceia in Pisidia during the Hellenistic Period, Orbis Terrarum 7 (2001) 55-98.
- 4. Ergun Lafli, Unguentari romani d’argilla dalla Pisidia (Turchia occidentale), Quaderni friulani di archeologia XIII (2003) 235-252.
- 5. Ergun Lafli, Neue Erkenntnisse zur lokalen Keramik aus Tavium. In: K. Strobel/Chr. Gerber, Tavium (Buyuknefes, Provinz Yozgat)-Bericht uber die Kampagnen 2000-2002, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 53 (2003) 153-157.
- 6. Ergun Lafli, Zur Keramik aus Kilikien zwischen ca. 12. und 6. Jh. v. Chr. Eine Bestandsaufnahme des Forschungsstands bis an das Ende des 20. Jhs., Res Antiquae 1 (2004) 325-358.
- 7. Ergun Lafli/Matthias Recke, Ein Marmor-Kuros in Mersin. Uberlegungen zu Kilikien in spaetarchaischer Zeit, Archaeologischer Anzeiger 2005/1, 1-24.
- 8. Ergun Lafli/Alexander Zaeh, Archaeologische Forschungen im byzantinischen Hadrianoúpolis in Paphlagonien, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (2007) Heft 2 (in print).
- 9. Jutta Meischner/Ergun Lafli, Die Girlanden attischer Sarkophage und der Sarkophag Caffarelli, Bulletin Antieke Beschaving. Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology 83 - 2008 (in print).
- 10. Ergun Lafli, Sagalassos Roman Relief Wares from Seleuceia Sidera in Pisidia (Turkey). In: R. F. Docter/E. M. Moormann (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Amsterdam, July 12-17, 1998. Classical Archaeology towards the Third Millennium: Reflexions and Perspectives. In: H. A. G. Brijder (Ed.), Allard Pierson Series, Volume 12-Studies in Ancient Civilization (Amsterdam 1999) 227-229.
- 11. Ergun Lafli, Sagalassos Table and Common Wares from Seleukeia Sidera in Pisidia (southwestern Turkey) – A Preliminary Report, Rei Cretariae Romanae Favtorvm, Acta 36, 2000, 43-47.
- 12. Ergun Lafli, Alaca Dag: eine neue Fundstelle von spaeteisenzeitlicher Keramik im westlichen Rauhen Kilikien. In: E. Jean/A. M. Dincol/S. Durugonul (Eds.), La Cilicie: espaces et pouvoirs locaux (2e millénaire avant J.-C.-4e siècle ap. J.-C.). Actes de la Table ronde Internationale d´Istanbul, 2-5 novembre 1999. Institut francais d´études anatoliennes. Georges Dumézil-Istanbul, Varia Anatolica XIII (Paris/Istanbul 2001) 195-213.
- 13. Ergun Lafli, Geschichte und Perspektiven der archaeologischen Erforschung des eisenzeitlichen Kilikien. In: G. Wilhelm (Eds.), Akten des IV. Internationalen Kongresses for Hethitologie. Wurzburg, 4.-8. Oktober 1999. Kommission for den Alten Orient der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Studien zu den Bogazkoy-Texten 45 (Wiesbaden 2001) 308-325.
- 14. Ergun Lafli, Notes on the History of Seleuceia Sid?ra in Pisidia (Southwestern Turkey): Second Preliminary Report on the Inscriptions and Inscription Fragments. In: P. Freeman/J. Bennett/Z. T. Fiema/B. Hoffmann (Eds.), Limes XVIII - Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000). A Conference held under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Archaeology at the University of Liverpool. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1084 (Oxford 2002) 313-326.
- 15. Ergun Lafli, Zu hellenistischen Tonunguentarien aus Pisidien (Sudwestturkei). Einige vorlaeufige Uberlegungen. In: B. Schmaltz/M. Soldner (Eds.), Griechische Keramik im kulturellen Kontext. Akten des Internationalen Vasen-Symposions in Kiel vom 24. bis 28.9.2001 veransteltet durch das Archaeologische Institut der Christian-Albrechst-Universitaet zu Kiel, Scriptorium (Munster 2003) 262-267.
16. Ergun Lafli, Dionysiac Scenes on Sagalassian Oinophoroi from Seleuceia Sidera in Pisidia (Southwestern Turkey). In: S. Bell/G. Davies (Eds.), Games and Festivals in Classical Antiquity. Proceedings of the Conference held in Edinburgh 10-12 July 2000, British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1220 (Oxford 2004) 125-135.
- 17. Ergun Lafli, Spaetantik-fruhbyzantinischen Tonunguentarien aus Seleukeia Sid?ra in Pisidien (Sudwestturkei). In: J. Mª. Gurt i Esparraguera/J. Buxeda i Garrigós/M. A. Cau Ontiveros (Eds.), LRCW I. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry, British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1340 (Oxford 2005) 667-679.
- 18. Ergun Lafli, Preliminary Archaeological and Topographical Notes on Classical and Medieval Settlement Patterns in the Mersin Area of Cilicia (Southern Turkey). In: Actes du X?Vème Congrès UISPP, Université de Liège, Belgique, 2-8 septembre 2001. Séction 13: Époque romaine. Sessions générales et posters. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1312 (Oxford 2004) 77-90.
- 19. Ergun Lafli, Early Byzantine Lamps from Alata: A Cemetery Site in Rough Cilicia (Southern Turkey). In: L. Chrzanovski (Eds.), Lychnological Acts 1. Acts of the 1st International Congress on Ancient Lighting Devices (Nyon-Geneva, 29.IX – 4.X.2003) (Monographies Instrumentum, Vol. 30/International Lychnological Association, Acts 1) (Montagnac 2005) 175-183.
- 20. Ergun Lafli, Erster Vorlaeufiger Bericht uber die romisch-kaiserzeitlichen und spätantiken Keramikfunde aus Antiocheia in Pisidien: Spaetantik-fruhbyzantinische Tonunguentarien. In: T. C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi, Kultur Varliklari ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu, 22. Arastirma Sonuclari Toplantisi, 2. Cilt, 24-28 Mayis 2004, Konya (Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi Yayinlari/Kultur Varliklari ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu Yayinlari) (Ankara 2005) 175-188.
- 21. Ergun Lafli, Five Unpublished Vessels from the Museum of MersIn: Cypriot White Painted ? Ware in Cilicia, Aegaeum. Annales d’archéologie égéenne de l’Université de Liège et UT-PASP 25 (2005) (=In: R. Laffineur/E. Greco [Eds.], EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean. Proceedings of the 10th International Aegean Conference/10e Rencontre égéenne Internationale. Italian School of Archaeology, Athens, 14-18 April 2004) 287-294.
- 22. Ergun Lafli, A Preliminary Report on a Late Archaic Marble Kouros in the Museum of Mersin in Cilicia (Southern Turkey). In: C.C. Mattusch/A.A. Donohue/A. Brauer (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003. Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities (Oxford 2006) 391-394.
- 23. Ergun Lafli, Guney Karadeniz Kiyilarinda Hellenistik ve Roma Donemleri Seramik Arkeolojisi: Arastirmalarin Ulastigi Nokta ve Genel Degerlendirmeler/Hellenistic and Roman Ceramic Archaeology on the Southern Black Sea Coast: An Overview of the Turkish Archaeological Literature related to Ceramic Archaeology of Paphlagonia and Pontus. In: B.D. Erciyas/E. Kopraman (eds.), Karadeniz Arastirmalari Sempozyum Bildirileri/Black Sea Studies Symposium Proceedings (Istanbul 2006) 169-201.
- 24. Ergun Lafli, Hellenistik, Roma Imparatorluk ve Gec Roma-Erken Bizans Donemlerinde Nusaybin ve Cevresi Arkeolojisi: Savi Hoyuk VI Roma ve Gec Roma-Erken Bizans Caglari Pismis Toprak Buluntulari. In: Makalelerle Mardin (Istanbul, in print).
- 25. Ergun Lafli, A Roman Rock-Cut Burial Niche at Paphlagonian Hadrianoupolis. In: T. C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi, Kultur Varliklari ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu, 24. Arastirma Sonuclari Toplantisi, 29 Mayis-2 Haziran 2006, Canakkale (Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi Yayinlari/Kultur Varliklari ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu Yayinlari) (Ankara 2007, in print).
26. Ergun Lafli, Five Early Imperial Lamps from the Museum of Tarsus in Cilicia (Southeastern Turkey). In: D. Frangié/L. Chrzanovski/J.-F. Salles (Eds.), Ancient Lamps of the Bilad esh-Sham, from the Bronze Age to the Transition Byzantine- Ummayad. Institut Francais du Proche-Orient – Amman (Paris, in print).
- 27. Erg u n Lafli/Jutta Meis chner, Neue Beobachtungen zu Sarkophagen im Arch‰ologischen Museum von Hatay in Antakya. In: G. Koch (ed.), Symposium des Sarkophag-Corpus. Marburg, 3. – 8. Juli 2006. ÑSarkophag-Studienì der DAI (Mainz , in print).
- 28. Ergun Lafli, Terracotta Unguentaria. Seasons 1988-2007. In: Chr. S. Lightfoot/E.S. ?vison (Eds.), Amorium III. Finds Reports (in print).
- 29. Ergun Lafli, Jeroen Poblome, Sagalassos Red Slip Ware. Typology and Chronology. Turnhout: Brepols&Publishers 1999. 500 S. 88 Abb., 85 Graphiks, 18 Tafel. [Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology II, Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven], Byzantinische Zeitschrift 94 (2001) Heft 2, 753-755.
- 30. Ergun Lafli, Harrison, Martin: Mountain and plain. From the Lycian coast to the Phrygian plateau in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine period. Ed. by Wendy Young. Ann Arbor: Michigan UP 2001. - XX, 127 S. 100 Abb. 4°, Gnomon. Kritische Zeitschrift for die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft 76 (2004) Heft 7, 629-631.
- 31. Ergun Lafli, Roman Terracotta Oil Lamps from Pergamon and Western Asia Minor: Production and Use, Journal of Roman Archaeology 17/2004, 719-722.
- 32. Ergun Lafli, Cukurkeslik (Mersin) Koyu Yakinindaki ?ki Yapi, A. U., D. T. C. F., Seminerler Dergisi, Sayi: 6-7, Nisan -Eylul 1995, Yil: 3, 37-42.
- 33. Erguen Lafli, Les figurines romaines en terre cuite de Seleucia Sidera en Pisidie (Turquie), Orient-Express. Notes et nouvélles d´archéologie oriéntale 1998/3 – décembre, 73-78.
- 34. Ergun Lafli, Some New Examples of Sagalassos Pottery from Pisidia. In: R. F. Docter/E. M. Moormann (Eds.), XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Amsterdam, July 12-17, 1998. Classical Archaeology towards the Third Millennium: Reflexions and Perspectives. Abstracts (Amsterdam 1998) 83-84.
- 35. Ergun Lafli, Some New Examples of Sagalassos Oil Lamps from Seleuceia in Pisidia. In: A.-C. Andersson/P. Cornell/H. Karlsson/J. Kjaersgaard/M. Rolof (Eds.), European Association of Archaeologists. 4th Annual Meeting. Goteborg, Sweden, September 23-27 1998. Abstracts Book (Goteborg 1998) 177.
- 36. Erguen Lafli, Greek Inscription and Inscription Fragments from Seleuceia Sidera in Pisidia (South-Western Turkey), Orient Express. Notes et nouvélles d´archéologie oriéntale 1999/2 – juin, 59-62.
- 37. Erguen Lafli, Eisenzeitliche Steinplastik Kilikiens – Gottliche und menschliche Darstellungen und ihre Bedeutung. In: G. Barjamovic/Th. Hertel/T. Bagh (Eds.), Near Eastern Archaeology in the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium AD. 2nd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Copenhagen, May 22nd-26th 2000. Abstracts (Kopenhag 2000) 39.
- 38. Erguen Lafli, Remarques sur un groupe de figurines en terre cuite de la Turquie sud-ouest. In: G. Barjamovic/Th. Hertel/T. Bagh (Eds.), Near Eastern Archaeology in the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium AD. 2nd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Copenhagen, May 22nd-26th 2000. Abstracts (Copenhagen 2000) 40.
- 39. Ergun Lafli, Das eisenzeitliche Kilikien: Zur Geschichte und materiellen Kultur einer hurro-luwischen Kulturlandschaft im sudlichen Kleinasien waehrend der Eisenzeit (ca. 1200 bis 600 v. Chr.), Archaeologische Informationen 24/2 (2001) 335-344.
- 40. Ergun Lafli, A Scholarly List of Some Relevant Societies for Roman Instrumentum Studies and Other Related Fields, Instrumentum. Bulletin du Groupe de travail européen sur l´artisanat et les productions manufacturées dans l´Antiquité 13 (Juin 2001) 19.
- 41. Ergun Lafli, Bemerkungen zur byzantinischen Archaeologie vom Rauhen Kilikien (Sudturkei): eine Wohnhohle in der Naehe von Cukurkeslik Koy bei Mersin. In: XXe Congrès International des études byzantines. Collège de France-Sorbonne, 19-25 Août 2001, Pré-Actes. III. Communications Libres (Paris 2001) 299-300.
- 42. Ergun Lafli, Late Antique Terracotta Unguentaria from Asia Minor: New Evidence from Pisidia and Cilicia. In: EMAC ´01. 6th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics. Ceramic in the Society. Fribourg, Switzerland, 3th-6th October 2001. Abstracts. Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (Fribourg 2001) 44.
- 43. Ergun Lafli, A Brief Note about the Studies of Late Antique-Early Byzantine Terracotta Unguentaria from Cilicia and Pisidia (southwestern Turkey), Orient Express. Notes et nouvélles d´archéologie oriéntale 2002/1 – Avril, 21-25.
- 44. Ergun Lafli, Erweiterung unserer Erkenntnisse zu Terrakotta-Unguentaria durch regionale Studien: Zu den Studien eines antiken und spaetantiken Gefaeßtypus in Kilikien und Pisidien in der Sudturkei, Instrumentum. Bulletin du Groupe de travail européen sur l´artisanat et les productions manufacturées dans l´Antiquité 15 (Juin 2002) 14-18.
45. Ergun Lafli, Guney Anadolu Muzeleri Antik Donem Seramikleri. 2001 Calisma Raporu – ?lk Sonuclar, Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 24/108 (Mayis-Haziran 2002) 33-44.
- 46. Erguen Lafli, Regional Distribution of Local Roman Pottery through the Sea: A Case Study - Sagalassos Red Slip Ware from Cilicia. In: M. Georgiadis/G. M. Muskett (Eds.), The Seas of Antiquity. Proceedings of the Liverpool Interdisciplinary Seminars in Antiquity. 20 May 2000 (Liverpool 2002) 49-59.
- 47. Ergun Lafli, Terracotta Unguentaria from Cilicia and Pisidia (southern Turkey). In: Archaeological Institute of America, 104th Annual Meeting, Abstracts. Volume 26. January 3-6, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana (Boston 2002) 4.
- 48. Ergun Lafli, Hellenistische, romisch-kaiserzeitliche und spaetantik-fruhbyzantinische Tonunguentarien aus dem Museum von Gaziantep, Suedosttuerkei, Instrumentum. Bulletin du Groupe de travail européen sur l´artisanat et les productions manufacturées dans l´Antiquité 18 (décembre 2003) 31-34.
49. Ergun Lafli, Ornamented Architectural Elements from Tarsus in Cilicia (southern Turkey). In: XV? International Congress of Classical Archaeology. Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science and Humanities. Abstracts. August 23-26, 2003, Boston, Massachusetts USA. The Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica and Harvard University Art Museums (Cambridge, MA 2003) 89.
- 50. Ergun Lafli, Hellenistik, Roma Imparatorluk ve Gec Antik-Erken Bizans Seramik Calismalari. In: C. Lightfoot/Y. Arbel, Amorium 2002 Yili Calismalari. In: T. C., Kultur Bakanligi, Anitlar ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu, 25. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi, 26-31 Mayis 2003 Ankara (Kultur Bakanligi Yayinlari/Anitlar ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu Yayinlari) (Ankara 2004) 4-5.
- 51. Ergun Lafli, The Bronze-Iron Age Transition in Cilicia (Southern Turkey) from the Archaeological Perspective. Greeks in Cilicia in the Second Millenium – A Closer Look. In: The 10th International Aegean Conference. Emporia. Aegeans in Central and Eastern Mediterranean (Liege 2004) 65.
- 52. Ergun Lafli, Paphlagonia Bolgesi Arkeolojik Arastirmalar Projesi: Hadrianapolis ve Kimistene Antik Yerlesimleri Yuzey Arastirmalari 2005, Turk Eskicag Bilimleri Enstitusu Haberler 22 (Mayis 2006) 31-32.
- 53. Ergun Lafli, Paphlagonia Hadrianoupolis’i Arkeolojik Kazilari 2006 Yili Sezonu, Turk Eskicag Bilimleri Enstitusu Haberler 23 (Aralik 2006) (in print).
- 54. Ergun Lafli, Editorial Note to the Abstracts of the Terracottas Conference: A Brief Introduction to Greek and Roman Coroplastic Studies in the Eastern Mediterranean, Instrumentum. Bulletin du Groupe de travail europÈen sur l¥artisanat et les productions manufacturÈes dans l¥AntiquitÈ 25 (Juin 2007) (in print).
- 55. Ergun Lafli, Sagalassos Red Slip Ware aus Seleukeia Sidera. Ein Beispiel der Verbreitung der sagalassischen Keramik im romischen Pisidien, Forum Archaeologiae. Zeitschrift for klassische Archaeologie, Ausgabe 10/III/1999,
- 56. Ergun Lafli, A Selection of Terracotta Unguentaria from the British Museum. 23rd Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores. American Academy in Rome. < HYPERLINK "">.
- 57. Ergun Lafli, Zu römisch-kaiserzeitlichen Tonunguentarien aus Pisidien (Sudwestturkei). 23rd Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores. American Academy in Rome. < HYPERLINK "">.
- 58. Ergun Lafli, Hellenistische, römisch-kaiserzeitliche und spaetantik-fruhbyzantinische Tonunguentarien aus Kilikien und Pisidien (Sudturkei). In: R. Fortsch (webmaster), Archaeologischen Institut der Universitaet zu Koln, Projekten. < HYPERLINK "">.
- 59. Ergun Lafli, Studien zur hellenistischen, romisch-kaiserzeitlichen und spaetantik-fruhbyzantinischen Tonunguentarien aus Kilikien und Pisidien (Sudturkei), (Diss am Archaeologischen Institut der Universitaet zu Koln, Koln 2003) < HYPERLINK "">.
- 60. Ergun Lafli, Stone Quarries in Kahramanmaras Valley (Southeastern Turkey) during the Classical Antiquity – Preliminary Results of a Field Survey. In: Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones used in Antiquity. ASMOSIA VII - 7th International Conference. Thassos, Greece 15 – 20 September 2003. < HYPERLINK "">.
- 61. Ergun Lafli, Late Hellenistic, Roman Imperial, Late Roman and Early Byzantine Terracotta Oil Lamps from the Agora of Smyrna (western Turkey). In: < HYPERLINK "">.
- 62. Ergun Lafli, The Bronze-Iron Age Transition in Cilicia (Southern Turkey) from the Archaeological Perspective. Greeks in Cilicia in the Second Millenium – A Closer Look. In: The 10th International Aegean Conference. Emporia. Aegeans in Central and Eastern Mediterranean. < HYPERLINK "">.
- 63. Ergun Lafli, Roman Fine Ware on Southern Black Sea Coastline: A Bilance of Former Researches and New Aspects. In: The Black Sea Region: Past, Present and Future. An International Inter-disciplinary conference. 14-16 October 2004. Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture
- 64. Ergun Lafli, A Bibliography of Hellenistic and Roman Coroplastic Art from Asia Minor. A List of Publications from the Beginning of Coroplastic Researches upto the Year 2000.
- 65. Ergun Lafli, A Bibliography of Sagalassos Red Slip Ware. A List of Publications from the Beginning upto the Year 2000.
- 66. Ergun Lafli, The Archaeological Research Project of Paphlagonia, < HYPERLINK "">.
- 67. Ergun Lafli/Maurizio Buora, Fibule antiche dalla Cilicia, for Rivista di archeologia 2007.
- 68. Ergun Lafli, Terra Sigillata from Paphlagonian Hadrianoupolis. In: T. C., Kultur Bakanligi, Anitlar ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu, 29. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi, Mayis 2006, Kocaeli (Kultur Bakanligi Yayinlari/Anitlar ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu Yayinlari) (Ankara 2008, in print).
- 69. Ergun Lafli, Mersin Arkeoloji Muzesi Pismis Toprak Kandil Kolleksiyonu. In: T. C., Kultur Bakanligi, Anitlar ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu, 25. Arastirma Sonuclari Toplantisi, Mayis 2006, Kocaeli (Kultur Bakanligi Yayinlari/Anitlar ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu Yayinlari) (Ankara 2008, in print).
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