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Bibliographies > Mariana Egri

Bibliography of Mariana Egri

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Egri (Mariana)
archaeologist, Dr
[ ]

  • Opaiţe tubulare din Dacia [Tubular lamps from Dacia]. In Buletinul Cercurilor Ştiinţifice Studenţeşti 8/2002, 67-75.
  • Forme de habitat în punctul Hăbad [Forms of habitation in Hăbad site]. In P. Damian (ed.), Alburnus Maior I, Bucureşti 2003, 123-148 (collective).
  • V. Kruta, Les celtes. In Sargetia 28-29.1/1999-2000 (2003), 565-566 (review).
  • Convivio celebrantur amici. Notes on some ceramic assemblages with a funerary character. In L. Ruscu et al. (eds.), Orbis Antiquus. Studia in honorem Ioannis Pisonis, Cluj Napoca 2004, 502-509.
  • A Roman lamp from the villa rustica of Şeuşa, “La cărarea morii”. In Instrumentum 19/2004, 28-29 (with M. M. Ciută).
  • Cnidian relief vessel from Micăsasa. In Sargetia 31/2003 (2005), 167-179.

  • P. Dyczek, Roman amphorae of the 1st – 3rd centuries AD found on the Lower Danube. Typology. In Sargetia 31/2003 (2005), 453-454 (review).

  • Roman lamps from Liber Pater sanctuary, Apulum. In L. Chrzanovski (ed.), Lychnological Acts I. Actes du Ier Congrès international d’études sur le luminaire antique (Nyon-Genève, 29.IX.-4.X. 2003), Monographies Instrumentum 31, Montagnac 2005, 85-89.
  • A Rhenish beaker from the collections of the Museum of Deva. In C. I. Popa, G. T. Rustoiu (eds.), Omagiu profesorului Ioan Andriţoiu, Alba Iulia 2005, 465-467.

  • Campaniile romane în regiunea Dunării. Aprovizionarea cu ulei de măsline de la Augustus la Traian [Roman campaigns in the Lower Danube region. The olive oil supplies from Augustus to Trajan]. In D. S. Teodor, O. Ţentea (eds.), Dacia Augusti Provincia, Bucureşti 2006, 417-428.
  • Inscriptions on amphorae and the military supply. In D. Bondoc (ed.), In honorem Gheorghe Popilian, Craiova 2006, 191-195 (with C. Inel).

  • The role of local elites in economic exploitation of the Danube provinces. In L. Vagalinski (ed.), The Lower Danube in Antiquity (6th century BC – 6th century AD), Sofia 2007, 103-112.
  • The use of amphorae for interpreting patterns of consumption. In B. Croxford et al. (eds.), TRAC 2006, Oxford 2007, 43-58.
  • Graffiti on ceramic vessels from the western cemetery at Poetovio. In C. Cosma (ed.), Funerary offering and votive depositions in Europe’s 1st millennium AD. Cultural artefacts and local identities, Cluj Napoca 2007, 37-48.
  • Opaiţe descoperite în edificiul de cult OL 7 de la Porolissum [Lamps from OL 7 sacred building at Porolissum]. In S. Nemeti, F. Fodorean (eds.), Studia in honorem M. Bărbulescu, Cluj Napoca 2007, 303-313 (with C. Cosma).
  • Imported lamps in pre-Roman Dacia. In C. A. Roman, N. Gudea (eds.), Lychnological Acts 2. Trade and local production of lamps from the Prehistory until the Middle Age, Cluj-Napoca 2008, 79-86, pl. 30-33 (with A. Rustoiu).
  • Lamps from OL 7 (subterranean building/sanctuary) at Porolissum. In C. A. Roman, N. Gudea (eds.), Lychnological Acts 2. Trade and local production of lamps from the Prehistory until the Middle Age, Cluj-Napoca 2008, 59-63, pl. 19-23 (with C. Cosma).
  • Roman campaigns in the Danube region. The olive oil supply from Augustus to Trajan. In Ephemeris Napocensis 18/2008, 45-56.
  • Materialul ceramic roman [Roman ceramic finds]. In P. Damian (ed.), Alburnus Maior III.1, Cluj Napoca 2008, 33-69 (collective).

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