Bibliographies > Deborah Carlson
Bibliography of Deborah Carlson
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Carlson (Deborah)
Assistant Professor
Nautical Archaeology Program
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas USA
- Mast-step coins among the Romans, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 36 (2007) 317-324.
- An Uplifting Summer: The 2006 Excavation Season at Kizilburun, Turkey. INA Quarterly 34.1 (2007) 3-10.
- A Monumental Cargo: The Roman Column Wreck at Kizilburun, Turkey. INA Quarterly 33.1 (2006) 3-10.
- A Wreck from the Golden Age of Greece: Tektas Burnu, Turkey, in Beneath the Seven Seas: Adventures with the Institute of Nautical Archaeology, edited by G.F. Bass (Thames and Hudson 2005) 64-71.
- Cargo in Context: The Morphology, Stamping, and Origins of the Amphoras from a Fifth-Century B.C. Ionian Shipwreck (Lisa Kallet, Director). Ph.D. diss., The University of Texas, Austin, Texas (2004)
- The Classical Greek Shipwreck at Tektas Burnu, Turkey, American Journal of Archaeology 107 (2003) 581-600.
- Nautical Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean, in Near Eastern Archaeology: A Reader, edited by Suzanne Richard (Eisenbraun 2003) 135-41.
- The Tektas Burnu Wreck, in Master Seafarers: The Phoenicians and the Greeks (Periplus 2003) 118-21.
- The Final Excavation Season at Tektas Burnu, Turkey, INA Quarterly 29.2 (2002) 12-14.
- A Red Figure Bell Krater from Turkish Waters, INA Quarterly 29.2 (2002) 10-11.
- Caligula’s Floating Palaces, Archaeology (May/June 2002) 26-31.
- The 2000 Excavation Season at Tektas Burnu, Turkey. INA Quarterly 28.2 (2001) 3-8.
- The 1999 Excavation Season at Tektas Burnu, Turkey. INA Quarterly 26.4 (1999) 3-8.
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