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Bibliographies > Sándor Berecki

Bibliography of Sándor Berecki

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Berecki (Sándor)
Archaeologist, Mures County Museum, Targu Mures, str. Marasti nr 8, 540328, Romania
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  • 1. Istoria celţilor în Transilvania. Buletinul Cercurilor Ştiinţifice Studenteşti, 10, 2004, 85– 94. [Keywords: historical background, Celts]
  • 2. O aşezare aparţinând culturii Wietenberg la Chiheru de Jos (judeţul Mureş). Omagiu profesorului Ioan Andriţoiu cu prilejul împlinirii a 65 de ani. Studii şi Cerceri Arheologice, Alba Iulia, 2005, 423– 437. [Keywords: Bronze Age, pottery, field survey, typology, chronology, wagon wheel]
  • 3. A Settlement Belonging to the Coţofeni Culture from Ogra (Mureş County), Marisia, XXVIII, 2006, 7– 25. [Keywords: Copper Age, pottery, typology, chronology]
  • 4. Rite and Ritual of the Celts from Transylvania, In: Sîrbu, Valeriu – Vaida, Dan Lucian (ed.), Thracians and Celts, Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Bistriţa, 18– 20 mai, 2006, Cluj-Napoca, 51– 76. [Keywords: La Tène, cremation, inhumation, cemeteries, micro-regions, society, animal sacrifices, grave inventory]
  • 5. A Csíki-medence településtörténete a neolitikumtól a XVII. század végéig a régészeti adatok tükrében, István Bajusz (dir), Cluj Napoca, Scientia, 2004 (co-author) [Keywords: prehistory, Stone Age, Copper Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, pottery, field survey]
  • 6. (avec Daróczi-Szabó László et Daróczi-Szabó Márta) Archaeozoological Finds from Ernei - “Quarry”, Sargetia, XXXIII, 2005, 113– 125. [Keywords: Bronze Age, Iron Age, Migrations, animal husbandry]
  • 7. Szabó Miklós: A keleti kelták. A késõ vaskor a Kárpát-medencében, Studia Universitatis „Babeş– Bolyai”, Historia, 51, 1, 2006, 128– 142. [book review]
  • 8. (avec Balázs Áldor Csaba) A Settlement Belonging to the Wietenberg Culture from Unirea (Alba County), Brukenthal, Acta Musei, 2007, II, 1, 63– 70. [Keywords: Bronze Age, pottery, field survey, typology, chronology]
  • 9. (avec Balázs Áldor Csaba) O aşezare aparţinând Culturii Wietenberg de la Unirea (Jud. Alba), Acta Siculica, 2007, 217– 224. [Keywords: Bronze Age, pottery, field survey, typology, chronology]
  • 10. The La Tène Settlement from Moreşti, Cluj-Napoca, 2008 [Keywords: Iron Age, hand-made pottery, wheel-made pottery, database, chronology, typology, relationships]
  • 11. The Chronology of the Celtic Discoveries from Transylvania, IN Sîrbu, Valeriu– Vaida, Dan Lucian (Eds.), Funerary Practices of the Bronze and Iron Ages in Central and Sounth-Eastern Europe, Proceedings of the 9th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology from Bistriţa, May 9th– 11th, 2008, Cluj-Napoca, 47-65. [Keywords: Transylvania, La Tène, chronology, horizon]
  • 12. Celtic Discoveries from the Târnaveni Museum’s Collection, Apulum, 2009, XLVI, 367– 375. [Keywords: Celts, pottery, Transylvania]
  • 13. A Pit from the Bronze Age Discovered at Sângeorgiu de Mureş (Mureş County), Marisia, XXIX, 2009, 49– 55. [Keywords: pottery, pits, rescue excavation]
  • 14. Middle Bronze Age Pottery from Adămus, Mureş County, IN Berecki Sándor– Németh E. Rita– Rezi Botond (Eds.), Bronze Age Communities in the Carpathian Basin, Proceeding of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mures, 24– 26 October 2008, Editura Mega, 2009, 89– 102. [Keywords: pottery, Bronze Age, field survey]
  • 15. The Environment and Landscape of the Celtic Settlements and Cemeteries from Transylvania, IN Sîrbu, Valeriu– Ciobanu, Doina (Eds.), Mousaios, XIV, The Necropolises and the Environment (1st mill. BC). Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Buzău – Romania, 22nd– 24th October 2009, Buzău, 9– 24. [Keywords: Transylvania, Celts, environment, settlements, cemeteries, routes, archaeology, aerial topography]
  • 16. (avec Cioată Daniel Mihai), An Iron Age Homestead from Sângeorgiu de Mureş, Transylvania, IN: Berecki Sándor (ed.), Iron Age Communities in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, Editura Mega, 2010, 349– 381. [Keywords: La Tène, homestead, ovens, storage, hut]
  • 17. Two La Tène Bronze Discs from Târgu Mureş, Transylvania, Marisia, XXX, 69– 75. [Celts, disc, triskele, helmets, harness-mounts, scabbards]

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