Bibliographies > Catherine Johns
Bibliographie de Catherine Johns
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Johns (Catherine)
- C. Johns, ‘Gaulish potters’ stamps’, Antiquaries Journal 43 (1963), 288-289.
- C. Johns, ‘Black samian ware from South Wales’ Monmouthshire Antiquary 1.3 (1963), 11-19.
- C. Johns, ‘A signed bowl of Drusus I from Jülich’, Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum, Acta 7 (1965), 67-69.
- C. Johns, ‘Terra Sigillata’, in L.H. Barfield, Ein Burgus in Froitzheim, Kreis Düren (Düsseldorf; 1968), 61-8.
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman vase from Reculver’, British Museum Quarterly 34 (1970), 58-63.
- C. Johns, Arretine and samian pottery (London; 1971; 1977).
- C. Johns, ‘A black samian vessel from Redbridge, Hampshire’, Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum, Acta 13 (1971), 40-45.
- C. Johns, ‘Spur-shaped bronzes of the Irish Early Iron Age’ British Museum Quarterly 35 (1971), 57-61.
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman bronze statuette of Epona’, British Museum Quarterly 36 (1971), 37-41.
- C. Johns, Note on the samian pottery in K.S. Painter, ‘Roman bronze crowns from Deeping St James’, Antiquaries Journal 51 (1971), 320-1
- C. Johns, ‘The Disney mirror’ in A. Fox & S. Pollard, ‘A decorated bronze mirror from Holcombe’, Antiquaries Journal 53 (1973), 39-40.
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman burial from Snodland, Kent’, British Museum Quarterly 37 (1973), 144-150.
- C. Johns, ‘A samian sherd from New Street, London’, British Museum Quarterly 37 (1973), 151-4.
- C. Johns, Review of I. Huld-Zetsche, Trierer Reliefsigillata: Werkstatt, in Antiquaries Journal 53 (1973), 315-17.
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman writing-tablet from London’, Antiquaries Journal 54 (1974), 290-1.
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman silver pin from Oldcroft, Gloucestershire’, Antiquaries Journal 54 (1974), 295-7.
- C. Johns, Review of M. Rouvier-Jeanlin, Les figurines gallo-romaines en terre cuite au Musée des Antiquités Nationales in Antiquaries Journal 54 (1974), 114-15.
- C. Johns, with R.A.G. Carson: ‘The Water Newton hoard’, Durobrivae 3 (1975), 10-12.
- C. Johns, The Roman Army in Britain (1975), British Museum Press leaflet.
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman gold and emerald necklace from Cannon Street, London’, Antiquaries Journal 56 (1976), 247-8.
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman clay statuette of Mars from Mucking, Essex’, Antiquaries Journal 56 (1976), 246-7.
- C. Johns, Pottery of Roman Britain (London; 1977), a slide pack with commentary.
- C. Johns, The Mildenhall Treasure (London; 1977), a slide pack with commentary.
- C. Johns, The Water Newton Treasure (London; 1977), a slide pack with commentary.
- C. Johns, ‘A group of samian wasters from Les-Martres-de-Veyre’, in J. Dore & K. Greene (eds.), Roman Pottery Studies in Britain and Beyond; papers presented to John Gillam, 235-44 (Oxford; 1977).
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman bronze mount from Water End, Hertfordshire’, Antiquaries Journal 58 (1978), 364-6.
- C. Johns, Chapter 2, ‘The Roman occupation’, in E. Rowan (ed.), Art in Wales, 2000 BC - AD 1850 (Cardiff; 1978), 43-65.
- C. Johns, Review of J. Hayes, Roman pottery in the Royal Ontario Museum in Antiquaries Journal 578 (1978), 188-9.
- C. Johns, ‘The Beachy Head bucket’ in R. Bland, ‘The 1973 Beachy Head treasure trove of 3rd-century antoniniani’, Numismatic Chronicle 105 (1979), 61-107
- C. Johns, with A. Burnett: ‘The Whorlton (Yorkshire) hoard’ in R.A.G. Carson & A.M. Burnett, Recent coin hoards from Roman Britain, British Museum Occasional Paper 5, 110-118 (London; 1979).
- C. Johns, ‘Roman necklace’ in A. Boddington & M. Rhodes, 'Excavations at 48-50 Cannon Street, City of London, 1975', Transactions of the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society 30 (1979), 22.
- C. Johns, ‘Fragments of two Roman necklaces from Canterbury’, Antiquaries Journal 59 (1979), 420-1.
- C. Johns, ‘Les somptueux trésors d'argenterie’, in ‘Les Romains en Grande Bretagne’, Dossiers d’Archéologie 37 (1979) 51-7.
- C. Johns, ‘A group of late Roman jewellery from Owmby-by-Spital, Lincs.’ Lincolnshire Historical & Archaeological Society Transactions 15 (1979), 87-8.
- C. Johns, Review of J. Alarcão, M. Delgado, F. Mayet, A. Moutinho Alarcão & S. da Ponte, Fouilles de Conimbriga VI. Céramiques diverses et verres in Antiquaries Journal 59 (1979), 152-4.
- C. Johns, with J. Dore & K. Greene: ‘The samian’ in J. Dore & J.P. Gillam, The Roman fort at South Shields, 107-127 (Newcastle; 1979).
- C. Johns, with F.H. Thompson & P. Wagstaff: ‘The Wincle, Cheshire, hoard of Roman gold jewellery’, Antiquaries Journal 60 (1980), 48-58.
- C. Johns, ‘An unusual Roman ring from Dersingham’, Norfolk Archaeology 37.3 (1980), 345-6.
- C. Johns, ‘The Risley Park silver lanx: a lost antiquity from Roman Britain’, Antiquaries Journal 61 (1981), 53-72.
- C. Johns, with T. Potter: ‘A Roman gold ring from Bedford’, Antiquaries Journal 61 (1981), 343-5.
- C. Johns, ‘The Thetford treasure’, Joint Association of Classical Teachers Bulletin (1981)
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman bronze head from Margate’, Archaeologia Cantiana 97 (1981), 307-11.
- C. Johns, ‘Colour-coated sherds with barbotine decoration from Grandford’, ‘Objects from Coldham Common in the British Museum’ and ‘A gold votive leaf and a bust of Minerva from Stonea’, in T.W. Potter, ‘The Roman occupation of the central Fenland’, Britannia 12 (1981), 90-3, 94-8, 101-4.
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman silver spoon from Helpston, Cambridgeshire’, Britannia 13 (1982), 309-10.
- C. Johns, ‘Finds from a late Roman burial from Stour Street, Canterbury’, Antiquaries Journal 62 (1982), 361.
- C. Johns, Review of K.J. Shelton, The Esquiline treasure in Antiquaries Journal 62 (1982), 414-17.
- C. Johns, with T.W. Potter: ‘New light on the Canterbury late-Roman treasure’, Archaeologia Cantiana 99 (1983), 283-6.
- C. Johns, Sex or symbol; erotic images of Greece and Rome (London (1982; 1991; 1999; 2002); American edition (1982); Italian edition (1992); French edition (1992).
- C. Johns, with T.W. Potter: The Thetford treasure (London; 1983).
- C. Johns, with V. Rigby: ‘A Christian late Roman gold ring from Suffolk and a warrior figurine found recently near Torksey, Lincolnshire’, Antiquaries Journal 64 (1984), 393-5.
- C. Johns, ‘Folding knife’ in S.S. Frere, Verulamium Excavations III, 58-9 (Oxford; 1984).
- C. Johns, 'The gems', in T.W. Potter et al., 'Il Castello di Ponte Nepesino e il confine settentrionale del Ducato di Roma', Archeologia Medievale 11 (1984), 125.
- C. Johns, with T.W. Potter: ‘The Canterbury late-Roman treasure’, Antiquaries Journal 65 (1985), 312-52.
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman Christian ring from Brentwood, Essex’, Antiquaries Journal 65 (1985), 461-3.
- C. Johns, with D. Viner: ‘A Roman bronze head from Cirencester’, Antiquaries Journal 65 (1985), 437-9.
- C. Johns, ‘The Roman silver cups from Hockwold, Norfolk’, Archaeologia 108 (1986), 2-13.
- C. Johns, with T.W. Potter: ‘The Tunshill Victory’, Antiquaries Journal 66 (1986), 391-2.
- C. Johns, ‘Pewter objects’ and ‘Black samian’, in I.M. Stead & V. Rigby, Baldock, the excavation of a Roman and pre-Roman settlement, 1968-72, Britannia Monograph 7, 144-5, 222 (London; 1986).
- C. Johns, ‘Faunus at Thetford: an early Latian deity in Late-Roman Britain’, in M. Henig & A. King (eds.), Pagan gods and shrines, Oxford Committee for Archaeology Monograph 8, 93-103 (Oxford; 1986).
- C. Johns, ‘A Roman gold ring from Aldborough, North Yorks.’, Journal of the British Archaeologcal Association 139 (1986), 153-4.
- C. Johns, ‘Roman Britain’ and catalogue entries in H. Tait (ed.), Seven Thousand Years of Jewellery, 94-7 (London; 1986).
- C. Johns, with M.G. Fulford & M. Henig: ‘A Roman gold finger-ring from Silchester, Hampshire’, Britannia 18 (1987), 279-81.
- C. Johns, ‘The silver from the Thetford treasure’, in N. Duval & F. Baratte (eds), Argenterie romaine et byzantine, 51-6 (Paris; 1988).
- C. Johns, with M.G. Fulford, A. Burnett, & M.Henig: ‘A hoard of late Roman rings and silver coins from Silchester, Hampshire’, Britannia 20 (1989), 219-28.
- C. Johns, ‘Finger-rings’ and ‘Pipeclay figurines’; in I.M. Stead & V. Rigby, Verulamium, the King Harry Lane site, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England Archaeological Report 12, 20-3, 37-40 (London; 1989).
- C. Johns, ‘Romano-British statuette of a mounted warrior god’, Antiquaries Journal 70 (1990), 446-52.
- C. Johns, ‘A Romano-British Priapus’, Minerva 1.9 (1990), 47.
- C. Johns, ‘Research on Roman silver plate’, Journal of Roman Archaeology 3 (1990), 28-43.
- C. Johns, Review of S.S. Frere, M. Roxan & R.S.O. Tomlin (eds), The Roman Inscriptions of Britain II. Instrumentum domesticum 1 in Antiquaries Journal 70 (1990), 131-2.
- C. Johns, ‘Some unpublished jewellery from Roman Britain’ in J. Ogden (ed.), Classical gold jewellery and the classical tradition; papers in honour of R.A. Higgins, Jewellery Studies 5, 55-6 (1991) 4.
- C. Johns, with M. Henig: ‘A statuette of a herm of Priapus from Pakenham, Suffolk’, Antiquaries Journal 71 (1991), 236-9.
- C. Johns, with K.S. Painter: ‘The “rediscovery”of the Risley Park Roman lanx’, Minerva 2.6 (1991), 6-13.
- C. Johns, ‘A mounted warrior god’, Minerva 2.4 (1991), 34.
- C. Johns, with C. Wingfield: ‘A Roman gold ring from Bromham, Beds.’, Bedfordshire Archaeology 19 (1991), 108-11.
- C. Johns, with T.W. Potter: Roman Britain (London; 1992); American edition (1993).
- C. Johns, ‘A late-Roman silver toothpick with the Christian monogram’, Antiquaries Journal 72 (1992), 179-80.
- C. Johns, with Roger Bland: The Hoxne treasure; an illustrated introduction (London; 1993; 1994).
- C. Johns, ‘The decorated samian’, in W.H. Manning, Report on the Excavations at Usk, 1965-1976, V. The Roman Pottery, 163-206 (Cardiff; 1993).
- C. Johns, with R. Bland: ‘The great Hoxne treasure, a preliminary report’, Journal of Roman Archaelogy 6 (1993), 493-6.
- C. Johns, ‘The Hoxne Hoard’, Minerva 4.6 (1993), 22-5.
- C. Johns, with J. Pickin: ‘Late Roman silver spoons from Spennymoor, Co. Durham’, Britannia 24 (1993), 258-61;
- C. Johns, ‘The Corbridge lanx’, National Art Collections Fund Review (1993), 31-3.
- C. Johns, ‘An enamelled bronze pyxis from a Roman grave at Elsenham, Essex’, Antiquaries Journal 73 (1993), 161-5.
- C. Johns, ‘Fabric Type 14’ in A. Woodward & P. Leach, The Uley Shrines: excavations of a ritual complex on West Hill, Uley, Gloucestershire, 1977-9, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England Archaeological Report 17, 235 (London; 1993).
- C. Johns, with D.M. Bailey: ‘Mons Porphyrites, the source of imperial porphyry’, Minerva 5.5 (1994), 18-20.
- C. Johns, with R. Bland: ‘A Roman hoard from Whitwell’, Rutland Record 14 (1994), 151-158.
- C. Johns, with R. Bland: ‘The Hoxne late Roman treasure’, Britannia 25 (1994), 165-173.
- C. Johns, ‘Romano-British precious-metal hoards: some comments on Martin Millett’s paper’ in S. Cottam, D. Dungworth, S. Scott & J. Taylor (eds), TRAC 94, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (1994), 107-117.
- C. Johns, with K.S. Painter: ‘The Risley Park lanx. Baugé, Bayeux, Buch or Britain?’ in F. Baratte, J-P. Caillet & C. Metzger (eds), Orbis Romanus Christianusque ab Diocletiani aetate usque ad Heraclium; travaux sur l'antiquité tardive rassemblés autour des recherches de Noël Duval, 175-189 (Paris; 1995).
- C. Johns, ‘The glass vessels’ in D. Peacock & V. Maxfield, The Roman imperial porphyry quarries, Gebel Dokhan, Egypt, interim report 1995, 20-2 (Southampton; 1995).
- C. Johns, ‘Objects of gold’, in K. Blockley, M. Blockley, P. Blockley, S.S. Frere & S. Stow, Canterbury: excavations in the Marlowe car park and surrounding areas, Archaeology of Canterbury 4, 1066-68 (Canterbury; 1995).
- C. Johns, ‘Educational souvenirs: models of British Bronze Age pottery in Goss heraldic porcelain’, in I. Kinnes & G. Varndell (eds), Unbaked Urns of rudely shape: essays on British and Irish pottery for Ian Longworth, 211-18 (Oxford; 1995).
- C. Johns, ‘The Traprain Law treasure’ (lecture summary), Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 124 (1995), 548.
- C. Johns, ‘Mounted men and sitting ducks: the iconography of Romano-British plate-brooches’, in B. Raftery, V. Megaw & V. Rigby (eds.), Sites and sights of the Iron Age: essays on fieldwork and museum research presented to Ian Mathieson Stead, Oxbow Monograph 56, 103-9 (Oxford; 1995).
- C. Johns, The Jewellery of Roman Britain; Celtic art and classical tradition (London/Ann Arbor; 1996)
- C. Johns, ‘Foreword’ in A. Devonshire & B.Wood (eds.), Women in industry and technology, prehistory - present day (London; 1996), xii-xiv.
- C. Johns, ‘A pewter flagon from Dragonby Well F45’, in J. May, Dragonby: report on excavations at an Iron Age and Romano-British settlement in north Lincolnshire, Oxbow Monograph 61 (Oxford; 1996). , 310-13
- C. Johns, ‘The classification and interpretation of Romano-British treasures’, Britannia 27 (1996), 1-16.
- C. Johns, ‘Jewelry in Roman Britain: recent discoveries and research’, in A. Calinescu (ed.), Ancient jewelry and archaeology, 73-85 (Bloomington; 1996).
- C. Johns, ‘Finger-rings, bracelets and gold links’, ‘Samian ware’, ‘Decorated and colour-coated ware’ and ‘Terracottas’, in R.P.J. Jackson & T.W. Potter, Excavations at Stonea, Cambridgeshire, 1980-85, 327-39, 409-21, 477-85, 485-7 (London; 1996).
- C. Johns, Entries on ‘Roman silver plate’ and ‘The Mildenhall treasure’ in J. Turner (ed.), Grove dictionary of art (London; 1996).
- C. Johns, ‘Isis, not Cybele: a bone hairpin from London’, in J. Bird, M. Hassall & H. Sheldon (eds), Interpreting Roman London, papers in memory of Hugh Chapman, Oxbow Monograph 58, 115-18 (Oxford; 1996).
- C. Johns, ‘Hacked, broken or chopped? A matter of terminology’, Antiquaries Journal 76 (1996), 228-30.
- C. Johns, Erotica (London; 1997; 2004).
- C. Johns, The Snettisham Roman jeweller's hoard, (London; 1997).
- C. Johns, Catalogue entries for jewellery in S. Walker & M. Bierbrier (eds), Ancient Faces; mummy portraits from Roman Egypt, 162-176 (London; 1997).
- C. Johns, ‘The glass’, in D. Peacock & V.Maxfield, The Roman imperial porphyry quarries, Gebel Dokhan, Egypt, interim report 1997, 21-24 (Southampton; 1997).
- C. Johns, ‘The Weston Gallery of Roman Britain at the British Museum’, Minerva 8.5 (1997), 10-13.
- C. Johns, with R. Bland: ‘Burgate, Suffolk’, in R. Bland & J. Orna-Ornstein (eds), Coin hoards from Roman Britain, Volume X, 463-7 (London; 1997).
- C. Johns, ‘The Glass’, in Peacock & Maxfield, The Roman imperial porphyry quarries, Gebel Dokhan, Egypt: interim report 1998, 19-20 (Southampton & Exeter 1998).
- C. Johns, with P. Guest: ‘The Hoxne Hoard: an update’, Roman Finds Group Newsletter 16 (July 1998), 4-8.
- C. Johns, ‘Jewellery from Roman Britain’, Coins and Antiquities I (November 1998), 9-11.
- C. Johns, ‘The Weston Gallery of Roman Britain: another view’, Museum Archaeologists News (Autumn/Winter 1998), 12-13.
- C. Johns, ‘Roman sexual imagery in Britain’, Coins and Antiquities (May 1999), 25-28.
- C. Johns, ‘The Wiveliscombe Roman cameo’, in M. Henig & D. Plantzos, Classicism to Neo-classicism: essays dedicated to Gertrud Seidmann, 83-88 (Oxford; 1999).
- C. Johns, ‘The rings and silver bullion’, in S. White, J.Manley, R. Jones, J. Orna-Ornstein, C. Johns & L. Webster, ‘A mid-fifth century hoard of Roman and pseudo-Roman material from Patching, West Sussex’, Britannia 30 (1999), 301-317.
- C. Johns, Catalogue entries for jewellery in S.Walker (ed.), Ancient Faces. Mummy portraits from Roman Egypt, 149-156 (New York; 2000).
- C. Johns, ‘Christianity in Roman Britain’, British Museum Magazine 36 (Spring 2000), 16-21.
- C. Johns, ‘Samuel Lysons: a founding father of Romano-British archaeology’, Mosaic (Journal of the Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics), 27 (2000), 8-10.
- C. Johns, with T. Sweek, A. Middleton & K. Uprichard: ‘The materials, conservation and remounting of the Hemsworth Venus mosaic’, The Conservator 24 (2000), 61-68.
- C. Johns, ‘Samuel Lysons, FRS, FSA; 1763-1819’ in Woodchester Commemorative Brochure, Year 2000.
- C. Johns, Fourteen contributions to Treasure Annual Report 1998-1999, (Department of Culture, Media and Sport, 2001): ‘Roman gold marriage ring from Bawtry, S. Yorkshire’, 16-17; ‘Roman gold ring from Marlborough area, Wiltshire’, 17-18; ‘Roman silver ring-bezel with setting from Abbots Barton, Hants.’, 18; with J.H.C. Williams, ‘Two Roman gold rings and 19 silver coins from Bowerchalke, Wilts.’, 18-19; ‘Roman gold ring, Halesworth area, Suffolk’, 20; ‘Roman silver ring from N.Cerney, Glos.’, 20; ‘Roman gold earring from Sutton on Derwent, E. Yorks.’, 21; ‘Roman silver pin fragment, West Lavington, Wilts.’, 21-2; ‘ ?Roman silver pin and metal spill from Stancombe Down, Berks.’, 22; ‘Roman silver ring-key fragment, Knaresborough, N.Yorks.’, 23; ‘Roman silver ring-key , from Cantley, S. Yorks.’, 23; ‘Possible Roman gold bar fragment from Gastard, Wilts.’, 23-4; ‘Roman gold bulla from Chelsham, Surrey.’, 24; ‘Undated gold pendant, Alton, Hants.’, 24.
- C. Johns, Contribution on the Hoxne treasure in A. Burnett & J. Reeve (eds), Behind the Scenes at the British Museum, 77-9 (London; 2001).
- C. Johns, ‘Samuel Lysons, FRS, FSA; 1763-1819’, (reprint of article in the 'Woodchester 2000' brochure), Joint Association of Classical Teachers, Review, 2nd series, 29 (Summer 2001), 3.
- C. Johns, ‘Silver pendant with monogram cross’, in P. Leach & C. J. Evans, Fosse Lane Shepton Mallet 1990, (London, Britannia Monograph Series 18, 257-260 (London; 2001).
- C. Johns, ‘Eros and the Classical world’, in S. Bayley (ed.), Sex, 28-37 (London; 2001).
- C. Johns, ‘A gold amulet-pendant from Eaton Constantine, Shropshire’, Lucerna, Roman Finds Group Newsletter 23 (January 2002), 9-10.
- C. Johns, ‘Mildenhall Hoard’, in Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, Band 20 (2002), 23-27.
- C. Johns, ‘Centralization or dispersal? Archaeological collections in museums’, in M. Aldhouse-Green & P. Webster (eds), Artefacts and Archaeology: aspects of the Celtic and Roman World, 257-267 (Cardiff; 2002).
- C. Johns, ‘Romeinse schatvondsten in Noordwest-Europa/Les trouvailles de trésors romains en Europe du Nord-Ouest’, in K. Sas & H. Thoen (eds), Schone Schijn: Romeinse juweelkunst in West-Europa / Brilliance et Prestige: la joailleries romaine en Europe occidentale, 71-83 (Leuven; 2002).
- C. Johns, ‘Art, Romanisation, and Competence’, in S. Scott & J. Webster (eds) Roman Imperialism and Provincial Art, 9-23 (Cambridge/New York; 2003).
- C. Johns, ‘The Tombstone of Laetus’ daughter: cats in Gallo-Roman Sculpture’, Britannia 34 (2003), 53-63.
- C. Johns, ‘Body-chains, Hellenistic to Late Roman’, in C. Entwistle (ed.), Through a glass brightly (studies in Byzantine and medieval art and archaeology presented to David Buckton), 10-15 (Oxford; 2003).
- C. Johns, ‘Romano-British Sculpture: intention and execution’, in P. Noelke (ed.), Romanisation und Resistenz, 27-38 (Mainz am Rhein; 2003).
- C. Johns, with P.J. Wise: ‘A Roman gold phallic pendant from Braintree, Essex’, Britannia 34 (2003), 274-5.
- C. Johns, ‘The Barber Cup: a new acquisition for the British Museum’, Gem and Jewellery News 13.1 (March 2004), 17.
- C. Johns, “Roman Jewellery”, Gem and Jewellery News 13.2 (June 2004), 34-36.
- C. Johns, “The Novice Gemmologist”, Gem and Jewellery News 13.2 (June 2004), 38-9.
- C. Johns,
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