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Bibliographies > Filipe Castro

Bibliographie de Filipe Castro

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Castro (Filipe)

  • 1. Fonseca, N., Santos, T., Castro F., “Study of the Intact Stability of a Portuguese Nau from the Early XVII Century” Proceedings of the IMAM 2005 Conference: Guedes Soares, Garbatov & Fonseca eds. Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Ocean and Coastal Resources. London: Taylor and Francis Group: 841-849.

  • 2. Castro, Filipe, The Pepper Wreck, College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2005.
  • 3. Castro, Filipe, “Rigging the Pepper Wreck. Part I: Masts and Yards”, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, (2005) 34.1:112-124.
  • 4. Castro, Filipe, “Archaeology and Dredges: the Arade River Archaeological Complex”, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, (2005) 34.1:72-83.
  • 5. Castro, Filipe, “The Pepper Wreck”, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, (2003) 32.1: 6-23.
  • 6. Castro, Filipe Vieira de, A Nau de Portugal, Lisbon: Ed. Prefácio, 2003.
  • 7. Castro, Filipe, "The remains of a Portuguese Indiaman at Tagus mouth, Lisbon, Portugal (Nossa Senhora dos Mártires, 1606?)", in Alves, Francisco, ed., Proceedings of the International Symposium ‘Archaeology of Medieval and Modern Ships of Iberian-Atlantic Tradition’, Lisbon, 1998. Lisbon: IPA, 2001: 381-404.
  • 8. Rodrigues, P., Alves, F., Rieth, E., Castro, L.F.V., "L'épave dun navire de la moitié du XV.ème siècle / début du XVI.ème, trouvée au Cais do Sodré (Lisbonne). Note Préliminaire", in Alves, Francisco, ed., Proceedings of the International Symposium ‘Archaeology of Medieval and Modern Ships of Iberian-Atlantic Tradition’, Lisbon, 1998. Lisbon: IPA, 2001: 347-380.
  • 9. Castro, Filipe, “Os destroços de uma nau da India na foz do Tejo, Lisboa, Portugal”,in Actas do 3.º Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, 1999, Vol. 8 - "Terrenos" da Arqueologia da Península Ibérica Porto: ADECAP, 2000: 475-495.
  • 10 . Alves, F.J.S., Castro, F., "New Portuguese legislation on management of the underwater cultural heritage," in Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, James and James Science Publishers, Vol. 3, 1999 :159-162.

  • 10. Same text in: Background Materials on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, Volume 2. Paris: UNESCO, 2000 :307-312.
  • 11. Alves, F., Rodrigues, P., and Castro, F., "Aproximação arqueológica às fontes escritas da arquitectura naval portuguesa" in Proceedings of the VI Reunião Internacional de História da Cartografia e da Náutica, Aveiro, 1998. Cascais: Patrimónia, 2000: 225-256.
  • 12. Castro, Filipe, “O naufrágio da fragata espanhola Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, afundada pelos ingleses ao largo do Cabo de Sta. Maria, em 1804”, Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia (1998) 1.2: 219-230.

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