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Bibliographies > Frederick H. Van Doorninck

Bibliography of Frederick H. Van Doorninck

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Van Doorninck (Frederick H.)
Professor of Nautical Archaeology, Emeritus at Texas A&M University
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  • 1. Michael L. Katzev, Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Replicas of Iron Tools from a Byzantine Shipwreck. Studies In: Conservation 2, 1966, 133-141.
    [épave, outil]
  • 2. G.F. Bass, Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Excavations of a Byzantine Shipwreck at Yassi Ada, Turkey. National Geographic Society Research Reports, 1964 Projects, 1969, 9-20.
  • 3. G.F. Bass, Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., A Fourth-Century Shipwreck at Yassi Ada. American Journal of Archaeology 75, 1971, 27-37.
  • 4. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Byzantium, Mistress of the Sea: 330-641. Chapter 6. In: A History of Seafaring Based on Underwater Archaeology. G.F. Bass, ed. (London: Thames and Hudson; New York: Walker & Co.), 1972.
    [épave, commerce maritime]
  • 5. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., The Fourth-Century Wreck at Yassi Ada: an Interim Report on the Hull. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 5, 1976, 115-131.
  • 6. G.F. Bass, Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., An Eleventh-Century Shipwreck at Serçe Liman, Turkey. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 7, 1978, 119-132.
  • 7. G.F. Bass, Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Excavation of a Late Roman Shipwreck at Yassi Ada, Turkey. National Geographic Society Research Reports, 1969 Projects, 1978, 1-11.
  • 8. G.F. Bass, Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Yassi Ada I. A Seventh Century Byzantine Shipwreck (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 1982.
  • 9. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., The Fabrication of Some Medieval Iron Anchors at the Bodrum Museum In: Turkey. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Underwater Archaeology. D. Keith, ed. (San Marino: Fathom Eight Publications), 1984, 3-7.
    [épave, ancre]
  • 10. G.F. Bass, J.R. Steffy, Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Excavation of an 11th-Century Shipwreck at Serçe Liman, Turkey. National Geographic Society Research Reports 17, 1984, 161-182.
  • 11. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., The Number of Full Decks on the Naves of the St. Louis Contracts. Mariner’s Mirror 71, 1985, 449-452.
  • 12. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., The Cargo Amphoras on the 7th-Century Yassi Ada and 11th-Century Serçe Liman Shipwrecks: Two Examples of a Reuse of Byzantine Amphoras as Transport Jars. In: Recherches sur la céramique Byzantine. (BulletIn: de Correspondance Hellénique, Supplément 18.) V. Déroche and J.-M. Spieser, eds. (Paris: Diffusion de Boccard), 1989, 247-257.
    [épave, commerce maritime, amphore]
  • 13. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., The Serçe Liman Shipwreck: An 11th Century Cargo of Fatimid Glassware Cullet for Byzantine Glassmakers. In: 1st International Anatolian Glass Symposium, April 26th-27th, 1988. (Istanbul), 1990, 58-63.
    [épave, commerce maritime, verre, lingot]
  • 14. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., The Medieval Shipwreck at Serçe Liman: An Early 11th-Century Fatimid-Byzantine Commercial Voyage. Graeco-Arabica 4, 1991, 45-52.
  • 15. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Did Tenth-Century Dromons Have a Waterline Ram? Another Look at Leo, Tactica, XIX, 69. Mariner’s Mirror 79, 1993, 387-392.
  • 16. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Giving Good Weight In: Eleventh-Century Byzantium: The Metrology of the Glass Wreck Amphoras. INA Quarterly 20.2, 1993, 8-12.
    [épave, métrologie]
  • 17. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., The Piriform Amphoras from the 11th-Century Shipwreck at Serçe Liman: Sophisticated Containers for Byzantine Commerce In: Wine. Graeco-Arabica 6, 1995, 181-189.
    [épave, commerce maritime, amphore, vin]
  • 18. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Kirkens skib? -- Yass Adavraget fra 600-tallet. In: Hvad Middelhavet gemmer. B.P. Hallager, ed. (Aarhus:Sfinx), 1997, 105-120.
  • 19. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Glasvraget –et byzantinsk skib fra 1000-tallet. In: Hvad Middelhavet gemmer. B.P. Hallager, ed. (Aarhus:Sfinx), 1997, 121-136.
  • 20. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Byzantine Shipwrecks. In: The Economic History of Byzantium, Vol. 2. A.E. Laiou, ed. (Washington: Dumbarton Oaks), 2002, 899-905.
  • 21. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., The Byzantine Ship at Serçe Liman: An Example of Small-Scale Maritime Commerce with Fatimid Syria In: the Early Eleventh Century. In: Travel In: the Byzantine World. R. Macrides, ed. (Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum), 2002, 137-148.
    [épave, commerce maritime]
  • 22. G.F. Bass, S. Matthews, J.R. Steffy and F.H. van Doorninck, Jr., An Eleventh-Century Shipwreck, Vol. I, The Ship and its Anchorage, Crew and Passengers. (Texas A&M University Press), 2004.
  • 23. Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., The Ship of Georgios, Priest and Sea Captain: Yassada, Turkey. In: Beneaththe Seven Seas: Adventures with the Institute of Nautical Archaeology. G.F. Bass, ed. (London and New York: Thames and Hudson), 2005, 92-97.

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